Companies today face a wide variety of issues related to accounting and financial reporting. In fact, in Spain, issues relating to the production and dissemination of financial information have become substantially more sophisticated. In order to respond to this situation, companies need an independent accounting and reporting advisor to be able to meet the different types of challenges in this area.

BBF CONSULTORES has specialised professionals, up to date in this field and with strong international experience, who have provided support in top-level operations that require applying or interpreting complex financial information standards, complying with the requirements of other markets and strengthening external reporting processes, and, increasingly, assisting large companies in their entry into Spain.

Accountancy consultancy in Marbella

We provide advice on matters such as:

  • General accounting advice.
  • Management of internal control requirements. Economic and market developments and the increased responsibilities of directors, members of audit committees and managers make it advisable to give greater importance to ensuring that the entity ensures adequate compliance with the standards to which it is subject.
  • Reporting structures for holding companies: Advice and assistance in the design, selection and implementation of reporting structures for holding companies based in Spain.
  • Corporate restructurings: Advice on the determination of accounting impacts in corporate and tax restructurings to align expectations with respect to the final result.
  • Plan General de Contabilidad (PGC): Assessment of strategy and options in relation to the future of PGC.
  • Conversion to IFRS: Technical assistance and support in the implementation of the global IFRS conversion.
  • Reporting tools: Assistance in the selection, design and implementation of global reporting tools to be used by groups for the preparation of their consolidated financial information (such as accounting policy manuals, standard reporting formats…).
  • Technical accounting support: Technical accounting support to assess the impact of the adoption of the new standards.
  • Standardisation of accounting policies: Support in the global standardisation of accounting and reporting policies in multinational groups (including training of key personnel in each territory, follow-up of implementation, monitoring, etc.).
  • Solutions for different accounting frameworks: Assistance in minimising differences arising from the application of different territorial accounting frameworks.
  • Accounting advice on transactions: Technical accounting support in the preparation of financial data relating to an M&A transaction and advice on the accounting implications of the proposed deal structure.
  • Adoption of new standards: Support on technical and implementation issues of the adoption of new fair value accounting standards.
  • Facing a carve-out: Assistance in understanding and managing the complex accounting issues and liabilities arising from a carve-out.
  • US-GAAP: Assisting companies with US GAAP implementation and technical implications related to the SEC.

When you are a business owner, balancing the books is not easy, especially when you are a very large company with a large number of employees and customers.

This is why it is necessary to turn to an accountancy consultancy firm. The latter are professionals in the sector who are able to support companies in the management of internal administrative procedures and to provide the company in question with sound advice, thanks to their continuous training in the sector.

Therefore, when you are the owner of a company, you will have to familiarise yourself with concepts such as: tax declaration, VAT settlement, bank statement, first note, etc. However, these are rather complex matters to handle, which require, in fact, the support of a professional in the field: the accountancy consultancy.

The latter must have a very good relationship with numbers and mathematics, as the concepts mentioned above are their bread and butter. The accountancy consultancy not only deals with the tax declarations of companies, sole proprietors and professionals, but also with the management and organisation of the organisation’s documents, as well as the preparation of accounting records.

In this respect, the accountant has a great responsibility: he or she must be constantly up to date with current regulations and tax deadlines. Only in this way can he be sure that his clients submit the appropriate documentation in accordance with the law.

The answer is simple. When you are the owner of any kind of business, you need to have an accountant at your disposal who can deal with specific issues that are crucial to the survival and well-being of the business.

Within the business world, there are indeed many activities that require the support of an accountant and tax advisor and that cannot be handled independently by the owner of the business in question.

These include: analysis of the financial statements and the tax burden, tax declarations, relations with the tax authorities (in this case, the figure of the accounting consultant is sometimes essential for this type of confrontation), tax jurisdiction, liquidation of the company’s assets and the inventory of bankruptcy assets, accounting control, technical and economic advice, strategic advice on the structure of the company, etc.

These are activities that require knowledge and experience and can only be carried out correctly by an expert in the field.

The use of a good accountancy firm is crucial for the success of a company. But is an accountancy firm only important for entrepreneurs? The answer is no.

So who is an accountancy service useful for? The possibility to consult an experienced accountant is important for anyone who is self-employed, whether they are self-employed, the owner of a sole proprietorship or the owner of a limited company.

Another indispensable quality for a good accountant is the ability to be a strategist. In addition to knowing the different solutions to propose to your clients, you must be able to suggest the most appropriate one for the type of business and the sector in question.

Ask for information from our accountancy advisors in Marbella

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